Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Nigeria (RAIN) is a world-class technology hub and research centre with head office in the vibrant and culturally-diverse city of Ibadan. We build intelligent machines, train, and certify youth on ultra-modern courses in automation, robotics, 3D printing, CNC machining, artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and machine learning. Equipped with a fully-functional robotics laboratory, unlimited internet access, and a peculiarly-conducive environment, we are primed to export next-generation solutions to the world. We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver right quality products on the job and provide excellent mentorship and consultancy services in all things automation, AI, and robotics.
Vision Statement:
Mission Statement:
Core Values:
RAIN takes pride in training graduates (and highly motivated school leavers) on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, providing support and mentorship for researchers as well as designing and building automated systems for clients. We are confident in our ability to deliver positive and quality results.
The future is automated, and every job is at risk. The ICT world has recorded an unprecedented growth rate over the years. Today:
The above development has led to a shift of industrial focus, on the use of automated systems, particularly robotics and artificial intelligence, to enhance human and business activities. This has seen the rising influence and intervention of AI Robotics in the areas of finance, medicine, security and defence, agriculture, social media and marketing.
There is however a deficit of experts in this field. This is because traditional university undergraduate curricula have not been widely reviewed to catch up with the recent growth. Limiting this knowledge to specific postgraduate courses cannot significantly enhance the workforce. For this reason, special interventions are now in high demand.
The government of many countries are beginning to take this deficit seriously and are encouraging intervention programmes. Unfortunately, the quality of the available interventions has been low, with less practical work, and lack of in-depth theoretical exposure. Such six weeks courses or live webinars cannot do enough to support the workforce with the required skills in demand.
In Nigeria, the challenge is further worsened by inadequate social infrastructure such as power and security. By implication, there is a high cost attached to internet data, insufficient internet coverage, and inadequate broadband speed. These factors mitigate attempts at developing the AI Robotics awareness of interested Nigerians.
Today, the world looks to China for cheaper labour to develop machines and electronics. However, data/information management cannot be delegated to Chinese companies due to the existing language barrier. Yet, the development in AI Robotics implies that an increasing volume of data/information management is being required in the world today. Due to the advantage of a teeming workforce in Nigeria and other African countries where English is the lingua franca, there is no doubt that Nigeria is among countries that can and will replace China in the required low cost workforce scheme in AI Robotics services and supplies.
This is the 5 G Africa RAIN is determined to deliver.
In a bid to solve the aforementioned problems, RAIN offers the following as intervention:
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Powered by RAIN (2019)
No special fees for SIWES or I.T attaches, everyone including undergraduates of tertiary institutions are to pay our standard fees